Since 2003 partner in IT infrastructures
Short time to market, available on call if required
Dedicated certified workforce
Network portal
overview of your networks including ID-systeem en opleveringsrapporten
Who is TTNoord?
Our highlights
Structured Fiber Cabling - Datacenter
One of our core businesses is the installation of structured cabling in datacenters. This project included the installation of 1000+ fibers using structured cabling for a Fortune top 100 company in one of the blue chip data centers in the Netherlands.
UTP Cabling - Office environment
Our business started in 2003 with the installation of copper cabling and this still is one of our core expertises. Our working areas manly focus on datacenters, offices, logistic centres, and hospitals. But did you know we also work in prisons and Royal palaces?
TTNoord Academy
TTNoord has it’s own training program for our Infrastructure engineers. During these multiple day courses threy learn about healthy and safe working environments and the latest technology. Our engineers have different backgrounds, but all have the same working spirit. This is what makes TTNoord!
Wat is glasvezel en hoe werkt het eigenlijk?
Glasvezel is een moderne vorm van internetverbinding die gebruikmaakt van dunne vezels van glas of kunststof om data over grote afstanden te verzenden. In tegenstelling
TTNoord verschijnt in magazine DatacenterWorks
Dat datacenters de schakels van de digitale infrastructuur van de wereld zijn, is inmiddels bekend. Toch worden de klant, de carrier, de elektro-installateur en de
Fiberspecialisten komen samen op Fiber Vakdag 2022
Nederland is bezig met een ambitieus plan om elke woning aangesloten te krijgen op glasvezel. Op de komende Fiber Vakdag 2022 op 11 oktober in
TTNoord verbreedt horizon met een nieuwe vestiging
In de bijna 20 jaar dat TTNoord bestaat is de organisatie, van origine specialist in databekabeling, qua meters al minstens 8 keer rond de wereld